Saturday, February 7, 2015

The Need for Leaders in Addictions Prevention and Treatment

The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University released a study in 2011 that states, “Almost a quarter of a trillion dollars of the nation's yearly healthcare costs are attributable to substance abuse and addiction.”   Also of significance is the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics’ projection of a 31 percent growth rate for substance abuse and behavioral disorder counselors by 2022.  They estimate that in order to fill the demand, we will need more than 28,000 new counselors over the coming decade. 

One of the primary reasons for the rapid growth is the Affordable Care Act that mandates insurance providers to cover treatment for mental health issues.  In addition, the U.S. News and World Report explains that since Americans are now “required to have insurance that will cover these services, experts predict there will be an influx in the number of people seeking mental health counseling.”  Another cause is a changing approach in the way the justice system is handling drug offenders, ordering treatment services rather than jail time.   

Given this, programs that prepare qualified leaders in addictions prevention and treatment are more important than ever.  At Governors State University, we offer an excellent Master of Health Science in Addictions Studies degree program that emphasizes state-of-the-art, evidence-based approaches to addictions.  The curriculum gives students the skills and background they need to meet the changing needs of clients and their communities.  In addition, we now offer a 60-hour Master of Health Science in Addictions Studies - Addictions Counseling Concentration.

Our program recognizes that we cannot afford to view counseling strictly from a substance abuse perspective.  As a GSU graduate student, you will be exposed to a wide range of well-established clinical therapies, like Motivational Interviewing, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, among others.  Please see our website for the program’s full requirements and details. 

Academic excellence and innovation are natural partners. At Governors State University you’ll find an abundance of both.  We have a highly diverse student body and our courses are taught by gifted professors. Our rich history, cultural amenities and a beautiful campus all contribute to making us one of the best colleges in Illinois.

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